Here we are! Today we will talk about ventilated clay, a supreme help that mother Nature
gifted us! Ventilated clay is a natural substance that is very precious for our body. Its use
dates back centuries, but even today it is considered very useful for treating our body and
There are, essentially, two types of clay: the green one and and the white one.
Green clay is used for healing purposes, it is a powerful anti-inflammatory element and if
applied to irritated skin, it can give immediate relief. It is possible to mix it with warm water
until you obtain a semi-dense cream to apply. If you have dry skin, you can also mix it with
oils, such as almond, argan, avocado.
In this case it could also become an excellent hair mask. Apply it to the scalp and if you
have greasy hair, adding a couple of drops of rosemary or lavender essential oil to the
preparation, you will obtain a remarkable result.
In cosmetics you can use green and white clay for different purpose; if you have oily to
mixed skin, you’re better use green clay. But, on the contrary, if you have normal to dry
skin, you will use white clay.
In both cases, clay combined with essential oils, will increases its power of action.
Combine green clay with rosemary and lavender essential oil for both oily and mixed skin.
Combine white clay with oils such as rosehip, orange or lavender for normal to dry skin.
Apply to face and neck or even use it as a body mask.

For a complete and effective beauty treatment we recommend proceeding first with the
body mask based on white clay. Then, after rinsing, try to grease your entire body with a
good moisturizing oil, let it act and rinse again, without using soap. Your skin will
Did you know that you can also use clay to scrub your skin? Just mix it with enough water
to obtain a creamy result, then add some whole cane sugar. Massage delicately and rinse.
Remember to use always the right type of clay based on your skin problems.
Green clay: oily or combination skin
White clay: normal or dry skin
Finally, as far as internal consumption is concerned, I must say that I have always used
ventilated green clay. It is remineralizing and purifying. But remember: it should be
prepared carefully, the evening before drinking it.
Use a teaspoon of clay in a glass of water. Cover and let the clay settle all night long. The
preparation should be taken on an empty stomach, before your breakfast. Do a cycle of at
least one month and repeat the cycles at every changing season.
Your body will appreciate! Stay tuned, happy and healthy!