Good morning friends, today I wanted to create an appetizer with simple flavors, starting lunch with a small cuddle puts in a good mood.
I used what I had in the refrigerator, quail eggs, boiled turnip greens and.. flour and water! So let's start preparing The White Pizzas
Ingredients for 6 white pizzas
100 g of flour 00
50 ml of water
1 and a half tablespoons of olive oil
1/4 teaspoon of baking soda
dried oregano
turnip greens to taste
6 quail eggs
1 clove of garlic
chili pepper
olive oil
Mix flour, baking soda, dried oregano and salt, add the oil and water and knead until the mixture is soft and elastic. Let it rest for 20 minutes wrapped in food film or covered with a dish cloth.
Take the dough again divide it into 6 pieces and roll them out with a rolling pin until you have round shapes, do not make them too thin. Heat a non-stick pan lightly greased with oil, when hot put the little pizzas, a couple of minutes per side and they are ready, you can also see it from the brown color.
Fry the garlic and chilli with oil, add the turnip greens, sauté for a few minutes. Season with sal
Cut the turnip greens a little and arrange them on the pizzas.
For the poached eggs: put a saucepan of water on the fire, add a drop of vinegar, the water must come to a simmer and not boil, at this point create a small vortex with a small whisk or the handle of a knife. Take the quail egg that you have broken into a small bowl and slide it into the vortex. A couple of minutes at the most and the egg will be ready, you will see it go to the bottom, don't worry. With quail eggs it is more difficult to help the egg white to group around the yolk due to the small size but don't worry even if it doesn't turn out perfect it will be good. The important thing is that the egg white solidifies and the yolk remains liquid.
For the fried eggs: simply heat a lightly greased non-stick pan, break the eggs and cook until the egg white is solidified.
Now compose your delicious appetizer by placing the quail egg on the pizza with the turnip greens, a pinch of pepper, a pinch of salt and a drizzle of oil.
The white Pizzas with Spicy Turnip Greens and Quail Egg are ready!
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