When I first saw a Moringa tree it was just here, in Guanaja, a beautiful island settled
in the Carribean Sea.

The only information I have ever had about its healing power wereachieved through the web. This was how I decided to buy the moringa powder some years ago. It happened during the pandemia of Covid 19. I wanted to try it ‘cause I read that it was a kind of miracoulous tree, even considered a superfood.
Of course I didn’t needed an extra integration in terms of food; I mostly wanted to
raise my immunitary system. And, believe it or not, it worked out perfectly. I felt better,
stronger and with more energy.
But let’s come to nowadays. I couldn’t imagine that moringa tree could be used in
almost all it’s part. I thought that just the leaves could be considered the edible ones. I was
sooo wrong!
Every single element concerning the moringa tree is useful. I discover that you can
eat the leaves as fresh as they are! Wash them carefully and put them into a salad. They
are rich in vitamin C, B, proteins and mineral salts, especially potassium. This is why they
are also considered a super food, expecially in the poorest countries of the world.
I usually get up very early in the morning, take some of them and it’s done! Of course
I can do this because I live in a place where Moringa grows spontaneously. But don’t
worry. You can also buy dried leaves and mix them to your favourite vegetable dishes.

I do them same process when my moringa is flowering! I mean, I use fresh and lush
flowers to enrich my salads. Did you know that beas produce a delicious and tasty honey
from moringa flowers? It’s reach in iron and contains more than 40 antioxidant elements!
But let’s come to the seeds. My favourite. This year I got plenty of them. So I could
dry them in order to have a good storage for all the next rainy season.
I eat two of them a day. They help me control my cholesterol, my blood sugar level
but, most of all, they have a strong effect on my intestine.
They preserve my bacterial flora and help my immunitary system. You surely know that our intestine is the captain of our good health and must be always in it’s best condition to preserve us from many severe illnesses.

So, are you ready to try? But please, do not forget. An healthy life doesn’t come just
from eating moringa seeds or leaves. Practice sport, eat healthy in general, reduce meat,#
do not smoke and love yourself, first of all!