Definitely a different dish than usual this Risotto with Strawberry, original in the combination of ingredients and delicate in taste

Ingredients for 4:
1 onion
1 glass of dry white wine
2 handfuls of rice each
350 gr. of strawberries
vegetable broth
extra virgin olive oil (or butter)
grated parmesan (you can also leave it out)
Wash and cut the strawberries into small pieces.
Brown the finely chopped onion in oil (or butter) in a pan, add the rice and toast it for 3-4 minutes, add the white wine and once it has evaporated start adding the broth, adjust of salt;
Continue adding the broth as the rice dries and continue stirring in the meantime
halfway through cooking, pour in the strawberries.
Before serving, with the heat off, add the grated parmesan and let it rest for about a minute. Since strawberries are the main ingredient of this dish, make sure you buy a quality product.