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Writer's pictureCucinedalMondo5

Veggy: Basmati Rice With Tumeric, Vegetables and Hazelnut Grains

Riso Basmati con Curcuma, verdura e granella di nocciole
Veggy Rise with Tumeric

Hy guys, today with this shining sun I need colors, flavors and healthy food, a sort of culinary spring :) I remain on the concept of a healthy meal with taste and then, scanning the pantry and the refrigerator, I opted for a quick and easy veggy recipe, a nice dish of Basmati Rice with Turmeric, Vegetables and Hazelnut Grains.

I had at home some turnip greens left over from the recipe for white yeast-free pizzas cooked in a pan with poached quail egg and I used them but you can use herbs, spinach, chard, peas in short, whatever you like.

Doses 2:

  • 160 g of Basmati rice

  • boiled turnip greens to taste (or spinach or other vegetable to cook that you like)

  • hazelnut grains

  • 1/2 teaspoon of turmeric powder

  • extra virgin olive oil

  • 1 clove of garlic

  • salt

  • pepper


Cook the Basmati rice in salted water, in the meantime sauté the vegetables in a pan with a little oil and a clove of garlic.

When the rice is ready, add it to the vegetables, add the turmeric powder, stirring well, and a nice grind of pepper.

Serve it with raw oil.

Remember when using Turmeric not to overcook it, no later than 8/9 minutes, to avoid losing the nutrients due to the heat.

The Curcumin that absorbs our body is very little, help this process by always combining it with some foods: black pepper, fats (extra virgin olive oil, coconut oil, linseed, etc.) and quercetin present in onions, berries, green tea , peppers, red grapes and raw cabbage.

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