Here we are dear friends, with a few extra kilos resulting from the Christmas libations!
Now, however, we must get our organism back to a normal calorie intake , lighten it, purify the organs, the skin, in short, rebalance this splendid creation that is the human body.
A bit of diet for sure but, above all, foods that help us detoxify and lose excess fluids, all without giving up taste because you can eat healthily without having to suffer, All without giving up taste because you can eat healthily without having to suffer.
Here we list a series of proposals that you can alternate for at least a week, don't miss the salad which is essential for its water and fiber content and then... did you know that eating salad helps you lose weight? So go ahead for Healthy Eating.
If you want to loose weight eat pasta or rise 1 or two times a week and at lunch not at dinner.
Insalata detox with cabbage and orange
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