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Recipe: Fancy Pasta Salad, easy and quick

Ricetta Pasta fredda Fantasia, facile e veloce su

Colors and flavors! Health on the table? Five portions of fruit and vegetables a day of different colors. We are well under way on this with the Recipe of Fancy Cold Pasta, Easy, quick, fresh first course. Try it dear friends :)

Difficulty: easy

Cooking time: 10 minutes

Prep. Time: 10 minutes

Serving size 3:

  • 200 gr of whole wheat pasta

  • 2 ripe but firm peaches

  • Greek Feta cheese (substitutable with mozzarella, gruyere, pecorino)

  • 1/2 red pepper

  • 1/2 yellow pepper

  • black olives

  • 10 cherry tomatoes

  • fresh mint, basil, chives

  • salt and pepper

  • extra virgin olive oil


Bring water to a boil, salt and pour the pasta.

Wash the vegetables, fruit and herbs. Cut the peppers and tomatoes into cubes, do the same with the Greek Feta cheese and with the peaches, keep part of the peaches slices to decorate the dish.

With your hands break the basil and mint leaves and chop the chives. Gently mix all the ingredients in a large bowl with oil, and once the pasta has been drained and left to cool with a drizzle of oil, add it. Leave it in the refrigerator for at least an hour, serve with pepper and oil.

Ricetta pasta fredda estiva veloce e facile

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